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10 motive sa te bucuri ca vine toamna/10 reason to be glad fall is coming

1. Poti face liste cool de genul '10 motive pentru care sa te bucuri ca vine toamna';
2. Ai scapat in sfarsit de nuantele neon si le poti inlocui cu unele calde, nude, ruginii;
3. Stiu ca iti era dor de ciorapii negri mati care alungesc cu siguranta piciorul si-l fac mai subtire;
4. Sigur iti era si mai dor de ghetele/cizmele luate de la reduceri de care nu ai apucat sa te bucuri cum trebuie iarna trecuta;
5. Poti incerca si un machiaj putin mai complex decat un blush de data asta nu o sa se mai topeasca;
6. Layering, LAYERING!
7. Un nou sezon aduce implicit o piesa noua in garderoba, o noua culoare de par, un ceas fossil pe care-l visezi si noaptea si cel mai important : fara sa te simti vinovata;
8. Poti dubla in sfarsit unele portii : cafeaua (fara sa te deshidratezi), bratarile (fara sa te bronzezi inestetic si p.s sa mori de cald!), plimbarile de seara (mirosul de ars si frunzele si culorile...).
9.Jachete oversized, pulovere oversized, trench, ochelari oversized, palarii.
10. Te poti intoarce cu incredere la tinutele negre complet, fara alte implicatii: cum ar fi, sa te topesti.
Ar mai fi cateva dar cred ca sunt valabile chiaaar numai pentru mine, dar ce naiba, e blogul meu imi fac de cap: iti cumperi tuberoze, facu zacusca, te duci si-ti cumperi rechizite desi ai terminat scoala propriu zisa de ceva timp, faci poze la frunze galbene, rosii, maro desi mai ai inca 100 de poze la fel, astepti cu nerabdare sa ti se intample lucrurile faine care ti se intampla de obicei toamna.
Ordinea e aleatorie si nu contine ilustratii. Asa, ca sa mai triem din cei care numai se uita la poze si atat.

1.You can write cool lists like' 10 reason to be glad fall is coming'
2. You can finally say good bye to neon colours and welcome, brown, nude, red ones;
3. You surely missed those black tights that make legs look long and thin;
4. You surely missed those boots you bought on sales and didn't wear as much you've wanted to last winter;
5. You can go back to your complex make-up, it won't melt this time;
6. Layering!
7. The coming of a new season always brings a new piece in your wardrobe, a new hair colour, that  damn fossil watch you've been dreaming all days and nights, and most important thing: it brings them to you without feeling guilty;
8. You can finally double some of the ratios in your life: coffee(without dehydration), bracelets (without inestetic tan marks), evening long walks (the colours, the smell )
9. Oversized jackets, oversized sweaters, trench, oversized sunglasses;
10. You can go back to your beloved all black outfits: you won't be melting this time;
Please note that this is a random order.