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[New Finds] Thomas Robson

In septembrie, am stat in fata unui tablou de Leonardo Da Vinci. Da, senzatia a fost grozava, l-am admirat, mi-a placut, am simtit ca e un moment unic. Dupa cateva minute de contemplare, inevitabil mi-a trecut prin minte, cum ar fi sa intre cineva acum si sa arunce cu niste vopsea pe el? Nu stiu daca e ceva in neregula cu mine, dar un pic simt ca nu, din moment ce Thomas Robson mi-a dat raspunsul. Macar nu sunt singura!! :)) Nu va ingrijorati, toate operele sunt digitale.

In september, I had the chance to see live a Leonardo Da Vinci painting. Yes, it felt amazing, I saw all the details and the real colours, I just sat there and stared at it, I loved it, the moment was unique and amazing. But, after a few minutes, I had a thought. How would it be if someone just entered the door and splash the painting with a vibrant colour? I think there might be something wrong with me, but at least I'm not the only one, since artist Thomas Robson almost did that! :)) don't worry, all work is digital!

Sursa si mai multe imagini aici.