In aceasta vara am fost usor obsedata de:
-imprimeuri ca de acuarela (am facut un post despre asta)
-piese vestimentare oversized (asta e general valabila);
Si acum aduc acasa o piesa ce le intruneste pe toate. Sunt o norocoasa sau sunt o norocoasa? Sa va spun, nu sunt chiar asa norocoasa, am aduc acasa o piesa corai si am pierdut una roz-bombon (permisul de conducere). Toate se intampla cu un scop, nu?
This summer I was obsessing about:
-coral colour
-watercolour prints(I made a post about them)
-oversized items (oh well, I am always obsessed with oversized items);
And now I get to bring home this item that has them all. Am i lucky or what? It may seem this way, but I'm not that lucky since I brought home this coral item and at the same time I lost one pinkish item (my driver's licence). But hey, everything happens for a reason, right?
Pe curand!
-imprimeuri ca de acuarela (am facut un post despre asta)
-piese vestimentare oversized (asta e general valabila);
Si acum aduc acasa o piesa ce le intruneste pe toate. Sunt o norocoasa sau sunt o norocoasa? Sa va spun, nu sunt chiar asa norocoasa, am aduc acasa o piesa corai si am pierdut una roz-bombon (permisul de conducere). Toate se intampla cu un scop, nu?
This summer I was obsessing about:
-coral colour
-watercolour prints(I made a post about them)
-oversized items (oh well, I am always obsessed with oversized items);
And now I get to bring home this item that has them all. Am i lucky or what? It may seem this way, but I'm not that lucky since I brought home this coral item and at the same time I lost one pinkish item (my driver's licence). But hey, everything happens for a reason, right?
Pe curand!