Sincera sa fiu, recunosc, nu stiam aproape nimic despre Elie Saab(nici chiar faptul ca e un barbat designer). Doar ca auzisem numele adesea mentionat pe covorul rosu si banuiam ca se ocupa mai mult de haute couture. Dar ce supriza si placere sa descopar ca nu se ocupa numai de asta, m-am indragostit efectiv de colectia asta! Desigur, e clara inclinatia spre rochii de seara, glam si elegante dar minimalismul pieselor de zi e la fel de calitativ!!!
Honest to be and I admit it, I didn't know too many things about Elie Saab(not even the fact that it's a man!). I heard the name often mentioned when it comes to red carpet, glam events and I suspected that he is more of an haute couture designer. And what a great discovery and a pleasure was that to find out that he makes pret-a-porter collections too! I just felt in love with the collection. It is obvious that he preffers to create evening gowns, sparkly and glam ones, but the minimalism of the day-outfits is just as good as the evening ones!!