Ok, poate v-am luat un pic cam tare cu venirea toamnei, unele dintre noi nu suntem intotdeauna pregatite. Stiu. Oricum cel mai bun pont pentru a nu cadea in depresie, este sa nu-ti imaginezi toamna ca fiind pasul premergator iernii, aici de obicei lucrurile scapa de sub control. Poate se intampla si miracole si dupa toamna o sa vina primavara. Nu suna bine?
Si totusi inca nu e nici septembrie, sa ne prefacem ca inca miroase a vara. Si nu putem altfel decat visand la plicurile astea varatice care se adauga colectiei de descoperiri eclectico-kitch care ma fascineaza in ultima vreme.
Ok, maybe I was a little to harsh on you, talking about fall already, some of us may not be prepared for that yet. Anyway, my tip for facing reality is not to think about fall as the season before winter, that is the moment when things usualy get out of control. Miracles can happen, maybe will have spring after fall this year. Does that sound good to you?
Anyway, it's not the best time to panic, it isn't september yet, we can still enjoy the last breath of summer just by looking at these lovely bags. Of course, it would be better if we also would buy them. These bags continue the series of my kitch-eclectico finds, that really fascinate me lately.
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