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Statement Necklace

Sunt total pro! Chiar obsedata sa fiu sincera, nu mi  se pare nimic mai frumos decat un look simplu, extrem de simplu si un colier statement. Am cumparat tot ce am apucat si acum, iesita din amorteala, poate sa incerc sa fac cateva.Intre timp, stau si visez cu ochii deschisi la cele nou descoperite de pe site-ul modcloth.

Totally pro on this! Iam really obsessed to be honest about this, for me at the moment, there's nothing better than a simple outfit with a great statement necklace. I bought everything I could find in the last period and now I thing I'm finally able to make some, on my own. Meanwhile, I'm just day
dreaming about the ones I found on modcloth.

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Click on the imagine for details and price.