1. Te duci intr-un oras nou si ti se intampla una dintre cele variante:
a) Esti interesata de ce este de vizitat dar in sinea ta te intrebi unde sunt magazinele;
b) Desi n-ai mai vizitat niciodata orasul respectiv, totusi simti nevoia s-o iei spre nord si te trezesti in fata unui mall;
c) Cand te interesezi ce este de vazut, ai grija sa afli si de artera cu magazine;
d) Dintre cele 4 zile pe care le ai la dispozitie sa vezi catedrale, parcuri, arhitectura moderna si muzee, una dintre zile este dedicata intregime shopping-ului. Trebuie sa le iei ceva celor dragi, nu? Nu te poti intoarce cu mana goala!
2. Gasesti o bluza care iti place si o achizitionezi. Pe fiecare culoare disponibila.
3. Gasesti o piesa care-ti place, te hotarasti sa fii curajoasa(mai ales daca esti cu cineva) si spui hotarat 'NU!'. Dupa 3 ore in care te gandesti numai la ea si te intorci pe ascuns si o cumperi.
4. De fiecare data cand mergi sa cumperi un cadou, iti cumperi si tu ceva. Ce, tu nu meriti cadouri numai la anumite ocazii?
5. In perioada de reduceri, nu mai raspunzi la telefon, mailuri, interfon. Efectiv, nu esti de gasit si prietenii te dau disparuta.
6. Nu cunosti conceptul de prea multi cercei, prea multe bluze, prea multi pantofi.
7. Ai in dulap cel putin 5 chestii care au inca eticheta, pe care le mangai ocazional, stii ca nu sunt stilul tau dar nici in magazin nu puteau sa ramana. Cel mai probabil n-o sa le porti niciodata.
8. Cand incerci sa faci economii si sa te abtii, cele mai persuasive argumente iti umplu capul.
-'O femeie trebuie sa aiba in garderoba pantofi cu toc! De 3,4,5,6,7...15 cm'
-'O sa vina Clive Owen la un moment dat in Romania si cine stie, poate o sa ne intalnim intamplator si normal ca va trebui sa arat uluitor. Gata! Imi cumpar colierul asta.'
9. Dupa o despartire urata, nu te duci in primul bar si te imbeti pana nu mai stii de tine. Te duci intai la cumaraturi, cumperi tot ce prinzi si apoi daca mai ramane timp te duci in primul bar si te imbeti pana nu mai stii de tine.
10. Cand spui ca nu esti dependenta de cumparaturi, cei care sunt de fata isi dau ochii peste cap si coate pe sub masa.
11. Cand nu ai ce face te gandesti cum sa transformi o camera din apartament in sifonier.
12. Ai fost marcata de Sex and the City 50% pentru ca era cool serialul si 50% pentru ca se vorbea mult despre haine si cumparaturi.
13. Daca esti din Cluj Napoca, pe 15 septembrie o sa fii cu un teanc de haine in brate, la coada cabinei de proba, in noul H&M, in Iulius Mall.
1.When you're visiting a new city, you are facing one of these:
a) You are curious what's there to visit and you're secretly also wondering where are the stores;
b) Although you never been here before, you suddenly feel the need to take the north direction and you find yourself in front of a mall;
c)When you do the reserch of what's there to see, you take care to write down the shopping street in the city;
d) If you have four days of visiting the city, cathedrals, parks, modern architecture, museums, you make sure that a whole day is strictly for shopping. You have to bring something for the loved ones, right? You can't go back empty handed!!!
2. You find a blouse you like it. You buy it. In every single colours that's available.
3. You find something you like very much but you decide to be brave (especially if you're with someone) and you say 'no!'. After 3 hours of thinking about that special something, you secretly return and buy it. Oh, now that's better.
4. Everytime you go shopping for a present for somebody, you also buy something for you. It really has to be a special ocassion to buy yourself a gift? Don't you deserve to be spoiled???
5. On sale season, you are not answering your phone, email, door. You are nowhere to be found and you're friends announce your missing at the police.
6. The term ''too many''-shoes, tops, earring has no sense for you. You just don't know what it means.
7. You have in your wardrobe at least 5 things that still have their tag one, you just touch them ocassionaly and smile at them, they are not your style but you couldn't just let them all alone at the store. Most probably, you will never wear them.
8. When you try to save some money, the most persuasive arguments rush to your head:
-'A women should have shoes in her wardrobe with a 3cm heel, 4 cm heel, 5 cm heel,.....15 cm heel.'
-'Clive Owen will defintely come to visit your country some day, and when that day will come and you will acidentally meet on the streets you will have to be looking amazing. That's it, you're buying that necklace.'
9. After a messy break up, you don't just go to he first bar and get drunk. You go to the first mall, buy everything you see and then, if there's still time you go to the first bar and get drunk.
10. When you say you don't have a shopping addiction, everyone present roll their eyes and make fun of you.
11. When you daydream, you just imagine how to transform a room in your appartament, in your wardrobe.
12. Sex and the City marked you for life, 50% because the series were cool and 50% because there was a lot of shopping and clothing involved.
13. If you live in Cluj Napoca, on the 15th of September, you'll be staying in the wardrobe line, with half a store in your hands, in the new H&M, in Iulius Mall.