Sunt sigura ca va amintit de colectia Miu Miu din 2010, care a fascinat pe toata lumea si a creat obsesii. Dupa parerea mea, a fost o colectie de referinta care in mod sigur va fi pomenita multi de acum inainte.:)
Pantofii au devenit cu siguranta un must, iar Alexa Chung ii multumea Miucciei pe Twitter ca a creat pantofii perfecti. Si acum, Miu Miu o face din nou. Eu asa presimt, ca pantofii din noua colectie sunt noul must have item.
I'm sure we all remember the Miu Miu Spring Collection 2010, which fascinated the fashion world and created obssesions. In my opinion it is one of those refference collection which we'll be remembered many years from now. The shoes from that collection quickly became a must and Alexa Chung was thanking Miuccia on Twitter for creating the perfect shoes. And now, Miu Miu strikes again. I predict that the shoes from the fall collection will become the new must have item. If they aren't that already..