entuziasmati de colaborarea Marni H&M? Mai aveti inca un motiv in plus:
Filmuletul de promovare va fi realizat de nimeni alta decat Sofia Coppola. Eu ma gandesc numai la unele cadre din Marie Antoinette si intregul Virgin Suicides si mor de nerabdare!!
Anxious about the Marn and H&M collaboration? here's one more reason for you to be excited about it: the campaign will be directed by the ...Sofia Coppola. I am just thinking about some scenes from Marie Antoinette and the whole Virgin Suicides and get completely excited about it!!
Filmuletul de promovare va fi realizat de nimeni alta decat Sofia Coppola. Eu ma gandesc numai la unele cadre din Marie Antoinette si intregul Virgin Suicides si mor de nerabdare!!
Anxious about the Marn and H&M collaboration? here's one more reason for you to be excited about it: the campaign will be directed by the ...Sofia Coppola. I am just thinking about some scenes from Marie Antoinette and the whole Virgin Suicides and get completely excited about it!!
Sofia Coppola si Consuelo Castiglioni