Nu stiu daca imi urmareste cineva blogul cu (atata) rigurozitate, dar chiar si asa poate si-a dat cineva seama ca dezvolt o mica obsesie pentru un anumit timp de pantofi. Daca nu v-ati dat seama, va reamintesc postul 1, postul 2, postul 3, postul 4 despre acesti pantofi. Si in timp ce eu visam si suspinam dupa diverse modele de pe magazinele online la preturi usturatoare, varianta accesibila era la 600m de mine, in magazinul Bb-Up. Si spre surpinderea mea si a celor care imi sunt apropiati, nu am dat fuga sa pun mana pe un exemplar albastru, din simplul motiv ca mi-am distrus picioarele purtand de muuuulti ani pantofi josi. dar despre asta, povestim alta data.
I don't know if someone is reading my blog on a regular basis, but maybe even so, someone might probably notice the obsession I'm developping with a certain type of shoes. If you didn't notice, may I remind you post1, post2 , post3, post 4 dedicated to them? While I was day dreaming about them, they were right under my nose, at a very reasonable price, made from suede leather. In delicious colours, may I add. If you're wondering why I still don't own a blue pair, I have a perfect mature and responsible answer: flats have been ruining my feet for years and it's time to start wearing heels.
I don't know if someone is reading my blog on a regular basis, but maybe even so, someone might probably notice the obsession I'm developping with a certain type of shoes. If you didn't notice, may I remind you post1, post2 , post3, post 4 dedicated to them? While I was day dreaming about them, they were right under my nose, at a very reasonable price, made from suede leather. In delicious colours, may I add. If you're wondering why I still don't own a blue pair, I have a perfect mature and responsible answer: flats have been ruining my feet for years and it's time to start wearing heels.