Am descoperit creatiile Yosef Perez pe etsy si nu pot spune decat ca m-am hipnotizat aceste printuri...ei bine, hipnotice. Mi-au placut mult si croielile pentru ca pun in evidenta detaliul asta grozav de printuri inspirate din lumea vegetala/animala. Mie mi se pare ca sunt exact genul de piese care ies in evidenta, dar in cel mai placut mod cu putinta!
I've discovered the designs of Yosef Perez, on etsy while searching for great finds. All I can say is that I was so hypnotized by those...hypnotic prints, if I may call them this way. I loved the line of the clothes because they focus the attention on the prints, which are pretty extravagant. My conclusion is that these items are the type of clothes that get all the attention but in the most pleasant way!

I've discovered the designs of Yosef Perez, on etsy while searching for great finds. All I can say is that I was so hypnotized by those...hypnotic prints, if I may call them this way. I loved the line of the clothes because they focus the attention on the prints, which are pretty extravagant. My conclusion is that these items are the type of clothes that get all the attention but in the most pleasant way!