D.I.Y-ul acesta e probabil unul dintre cele mai simple pe care o sa le faci, ai doar nevoie de o gramada de rabdare! Dar eu promit ca merita, rezultatul e cu adevarat spectaculos! Sa-i dam drumul:
This D.I.Y is probably going to be on of the easier you made but all you nedd is patience. Nothing is complicated, it just takes a little time and a lot of patience. I promise it's all worth it, the result is spectacular! Here we go:
1. Pregateste acele de siguranta
Prepare the safety pins;
2. Incepe sa adaugi margelutele pe acul de siguranta, marimea pe care am folosit-o eu a margelelor a fost de 4mm, mi-au incaput 6 pe un ac;
Start adding the beads to safety pins. The size of beads I used allowed me to add 6 to one safety pin
3. M-am plictisit pe la 40-50 de ace facute, dar au fost mai mult decat destul;
I got a little bored at around 40-50 safety pins.
4. Pregateste o ata lunga si incepe sa insiri acele pe ea. Eu am folosit cate o margeluta despartitoare intre ele, pentru ca altfel s-ar fi incalecat si s-ar fi strans toate gramada; Ai grija cum le insiri, sa fie toate pe fata, orice greseala va fi extrem de vizibila!
Prepare the needle ad thread, a long one, and start adding the safety pins to your thread. I used beads to keep the safety pins from gathering all in one place. Take your time doing this and make sure all your safety pins are all facing one side, any small mistake will ruin the necklace;
5. Dupa ce am terminat de insirat am innodat ata la capete;
After adding all the safety pins, I secured the ends;
6. Nu mi-a ramas decat sa adaug 2 zale si apoi o inchizatoare;
All was left to do, was to add a closing system and the necklace is ready!
This D.I.Y is probably going to be on of the easier you made but all you nedd is patience. Nothing is complicated, it just takes a little time and a lot of patience. I promise it's all worth it, the result is spectacular! Here we go:
Prepare the safety pins;
2. Incepe sa adaugi margelutele pe acul de siguranta, marimea pe care am folosit-o eu a margelelor a fost de 4mm, mi-au incaput 6 pe un ac;
Start adding the beads to safety pins. The size of beads I used allowed me to add 6 to one safety pin
3. M-am plictisit pe la 40-50 de ace facute, dar au fost mai mult decat destul;
I got a little bored at around 40-50 safety pins.
4. Pregateste o ata lunga si incepe sa insiri acele pe ea. Eu am folosit cate o margeluta despartitoare intre ele, pentru ca altfel s-ar fi incalecat si s-ar fi strans toate gramada; Ai grija cum le insiri, sa fie toate pe fata, orice greseala va fi extrem de vizibila!
Prepare the needle ad thread, a long one, and start adding the safety pins to your thread. I used beads to keep the safety pins from gathering all in one place. Take your time doing this and make sure all your safety pins are all facing one side, any small mistake will ruin the necklace;
5. Dupa ce am terminat de insirat am innodat ata la capete;
After adding all the safety pins, I secured the ends;
6. Nu mi-a ramas decat sa adaug 2 zale si apoi o inchizatoare;
All was left to do, was to add a closing system and the necklace is ready!