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[New Finds] Michael Eastman

Nu stiu daca sunt singura care simte asta, dar e ceva poetic cu cladirile vechi, lasate in paragina. Nu ma pot hotari nicicum cum ar fi mai bine, sa le lasam sa moara purtand amintiri si vremea lor sau sa incercam sa le salvam cu constiinta neimpacata de a le distruge autencitatea si atmosfera lor istorica? Oricat de perfecta ar fi o restaurare, se sterg lucruri atat de pretioase...
Cand am descoperit fotografiile lui Michael Eastman, am stat si am visat o zi intreaga si mi-am dat seama ca e ceva magic in arhitectura si in unele cladiri si parca nu reusesc sa inteleg cum o sa putem noi, cei de-acum sa cream asa spatii pe viitor..

There's something really poetic about an old building, abandoned and in advanced state of degradation. Poetic and sad (of course) at the same time. I always had mixed feelings when I thought about this problem, should we let historical buildings die or should we save them but knowing at the same time that the authenticity and their true atmosphere will be gone forever? Seeing Michael's Eastman work, I really felt there's magic in architecture and in buildings and I can't imagine how awe're gonna be able to create such spaces in the future.

more pictures here.