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[FOR HIM] Adidas Orginials JS Wings by Jeremy Scott

Stiu, ca era promis postul cu Bomber Jacket dar cand m-am tinut eu de cuvant aici pe blog? Rar, deci obisnuiti-va cu ideea. :)
Cine imi citeste blogul, imi cunoaste adoratia pentru toate lucrurile 'clear'. Dar ce m-a luat total prin suprindere a fost sa gasesc astfel de pantofi pentru ...barbati. Ce nu m-a luat prin surprindere a fost insa faptul ca respectivii sunt creati de Jeremy Scott. Oh, Jeremy!
Sa vorbim putin despre Adidas Originals JS Wings care au fost realizati in varianta transparenta. Imi plac? La nebunie!! Ii recomand...Hm, nu chiar! Pentru ca sunt genul perfect in teorie, nu-chiar-atat-de-perfecti in practica. Ca si obiect de design nota 10 ca si obiect functional, hai sa ne mai gandim putin.
Cum se poarta? Chris Brown ii poarta cu sosete negre, astfel efectul de transparenta se vede doar de la apropiere si nu arata estetic. Purtati fara ciorapi, pare o idee si mai proasta avand in vedere ca piciorul nu e tocmai una dintre cele mai frumoase parti ale corpului, mai ales masculin. Fara suparare! Deci ce variante ne raman? Nu prea multe, iar daca nu activezi intr-un domeniu creativ si tu esti un exemplar si mai creativ, slabe sanse sa te descurci cu ei. Eu raman insa la ideea ca in teorie sunt perfecti si vezi tu cum te descurci cu practica!
Dar, daca totusi as fi barbat/baiat si mi-ar placea asa de mult cum imi plac acum, fata fiind, i-as purta cu outfit-uri care sa contina doar alb-gri-bej si sosete albe sau ultra colorate si o atitudine sa se potriveasca cu stilul lor nemaintalnit!

I know, I've promised a post about the Bomber Jacket but when did I keep my promises around here? Almost never so let's move on.
Let's move on and talk about Adidas Original JS Wings which are now available in the clear version. Do I love them? Totally! Do I recommend them? Not so sure about this one. They seem the perfect thing in theory and not-so-perfect-thing in practice. They make the object of a flawless product design but when it comes to their functional side, I'm a little reserved. 
How can you wear them? Well, Chris Brown was been spotted wearing them with black socks. Which makes them look black and only at a closer look you can see that they're actually clear, and the whole image is not very pretty. Worn without socks can be a worse idea, since we all know that feet are not the most esthetic thing in the world, especially when it comes to men. No offence! What options do we have left ? Not many, and if you're not a creative person who's living in a very creative environement, there are small chances you can handle this pair of shoes. I just stick with the idea that they are still perfect in theory and good luck with the practical part!
But if I was a guy and love them as much as I do now, being a girl, I would probably wear them with white-grey-beige combinations, with white or super colorful socks and a super fun attitude.