In primul rand, am fost intotdeauna genul de om care se entuziasmeaza foarte usor, din lucruri marunte ar spune unii. Uneori, parca ma si simteam prost pentru asta, dar proasta eram ca ma simteam prost.
Primvara e un motiv important de bucurie pentru mine, mai ales dupa moleseala iernii si starea aproape permanenta de semi-depresie. Topul ce urmeaza e un fel de wishlist/ to do list pentru lunile care urmeaza!
I was always the type of person who gets excited easily, some may say I get excited over small things. Couple of times, I felt kind of embarassed for it, but I realise know how wrong I was to feel this way.
For me, Spring is a reason to celebrate and I enjoy every second of it, so this top is something between a wishlist/ to do list to welcome and enjoy spring as much as possible. I hope somehow it will inspire you!!
5. Start exercising. Faci parte din oamenii care pe lista de rezolutii 2013 au pus "ma apuc de sala"? Atunci, acum e momentul! Iarna am avut scuze care implicau frig, ninsoare, intunericul care venea la ora 17, dar gata acum. Incepe cu ceva usor, incearca mai multe variante sa vezi ce ti se potriveste, fie ca e vorba de fitness, alergatul de seara in parc, yoga sau inot.
Are you the type of person that had on the 2013 resolution list : "start exercising" ? If the answer is yes, then go for it! You don't have any excuses now like the cold, snow or the short days that were sending you home right after work. Start with something easy and try to find something that you like and suits you. Choose between fitness, running in a park, swimming or anything else that you think you'll enjoy.
4. Bring some color in your home. Poti incepe un proiect mai amplu de redecorare sau pur si simplu sa dai un mic refresh. Poti incepe prin a inlocui unele piese vechi si a introduce putina culoare in casa, daca nu ai deja. Cel mai usor e sa cumperi niste perne colorate, sa-ti vopsesti noptierele sau sa-ti imbunatatesti spatiul de lucru. Cauta inspiratie pe net si proiecte D.I.Y ca sa nu faci gauri in buget.
You can start a big project to redecorate your home, or you can just refresh your personal space a little. You don't have o spend a lot, search for d.i.y projects and inspiration on the internet and make little changes. Bring some color in your living with some fun pillows, new lamps or a rug, paint your night stands or improve your working space.
3. Buy something with florals/ pastels/ neon. Cand vine primavara, eu musai trebuie sa-mi cumpar ceva nou. Face parte din ideea de nou inceput. Anul acesta o sa aleg ceva floral, sau cu imprimeuri tropicale (la mare, mare cautare acum). Daca nu esti genul, poti investi in ceva pastelat si simplu sau in ceva neon, cica inca se poarta. Daca bugetul nu-ti permite, investeste macar intr-o pereche de cercei sau un colier frumos. Senzatia de nou e aceeasi!
When spring arrives I just have to buy something new to wear, it's an important part of the welcoming spring process. This year, I have my eyes on something with floral prints or tropical ones. You can try buying pastels or something with neon. If your budget doesn't allow you to spend a lot, buy something like a pair of earrings, or a necklace or a fun scarf. Satisfaction guaranted!
2. Change your look.Fie ca e vorba de o tunsoare (mai mult sau mai putin radicala), fie ca e vorba de o nuanta noua sau pur si simplu sa incerci o noua frizura, garantez ca o sa-ti schimbe tonusul. Eu, intr-un impuls de moment, m-am intors la preaiubita freza cu parul taiat drept pana la umeri si adio ombre hair. Parca ma simt alta!
This could mean a new haircut. a new hair color or simply a new way to wear your hair. If you have long hair, you have so many options, see some tutorials online and make a change. It will improve your tonus, I promise!!
1. Enjoy nature. Inlocuieste orele petrecute la calculator/ TV cu plimbari lungi, pe trasee mai mult sau mai putin cunoscute si bucura-te de ce are primavara mai bun sa ofere: natura. Copacii infloriti, mirosurile pline de parfum si toate pasarile astea care abia acum iti dai seama ca au lipsit toata iarna. Mie imi place primavara in oras la fel de mult ca o primavara chiar in miezul naturii, e la fel de placut aerul si senzatia ca in sfarsit lasi hainele groase departe si nu-ti mai vine sa intri in casa.
Replace the long hours spent in front the PC or TV with long walks when you can actually enjoy the fresh air, the bloom of trees and flowers and all the flavors spring has to offer. You can finally enjoy the warm weather in parks or just by walking on the streets of your city, leaving winter jackets in the back of your closet!