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Se afișează postări din iulie, 2011

Watercolour print

In aceasta vara am fost usor obsedata de: -lebede -flamingo -corai -imprimeuri ca de acuarela (am facut un post despre asta) -piese vestimentare oversized (asta e general valabila); Si acum aduc acasa o piesa ce le intruneste pe toate. Sunt o norocoasa sau sunt o norocoasa? Sa va spun, nu sunt chiar asa norocoasa, am aduc acasa o piesa corai si am pierdut una roz-bombon (permisul de conducere). Toate se intampla cu un scop, nu? This summer I was obsessing about: -swans -flamingo -coral colour -watercolour prints(I made a post about them) -oversized items (oh well, I am always obsessed with oversized items); And now I get to bring home this item that has them all. Am i lucky or what? It may seem this way, but I'm not that lucky since I brought home this coral item and at the same time I lost one pinkish item (my driver's licence). But hey, everything happens for a reason, right? Pe curand! Roxana


Se joaca intens cu nervii mei. Va mai amintiti sacosa fermecata ? Am gasit una si mai fermcata. Animal print. Dupa titlu, este evident ca pretul este Triplu .   De ce ar valora atat aceasta sacosa din textil, cu imprimeu animal print si barete (wow) din piele? Pentru simplul fapt ca este FENDI. Si sa n-o jignim numind-o sacosa. Ea este Animal Print Textile Shopping Bag. Lasand ironia la o parte, mi-as dori-o mult. Remmber my post about the zara bag, to pricey for me? Well, it seems to me like karma is a player and likes to make fun of me. I stumbled upon this beauty, even more charming than the zara one, at a triple price. why would this simple textile bag with leather handles be estimated at the price of 305 euro? For the fact that it is a Fendi Bag. For your information it an Animal Print Textile  Shopping Bag . I would love to see it hanging in my closet . Pe curand, R

Need this in my life

Stradivarius, Oriental Print Kimono 199 lei (!!!) Zara, Printed Kimono 169 lei In general, imi plac in aceasta perioada cam toate print-urile exotice. Dar daca sunt imprimate pe un kimono, le iubesc. Nu cred ca poate fi o piesa vestimentara mai sexy de atat. Preturile sunt cam piperate pentru bugetul meu, dar ca intotdeauna, te poti baza pe un second hand de incredere. :D Asa ca, incep vanatoarea! I love the exotic prints at the moment. And if they are printed on a kimono, well, I love them! I don't think there could be a more sexy fashion item in the world. The prices are kind of big for my budget but I'm working on it. I can always go treasure hunting on a good-old-trusty second hand shop. Pe curand, R


Draga blogule, Am fost infidela. Am postat zilnic pe Tumblr si aici bate vantul. Promit sa ma intorc la tine. Cu drag, A ta, Roxana Dear blog, I have been unfaithfull. I've posted everyday on Tumblr and I neglected you. I promise you I will return to you. With love, Yours, Roxana
Are you secretly wishing you were part of this group of women? I know I am!


Eu v-am mai zis ca sunt multi oameni creativi in aceasta lume. Daca nu m-ati crezut, sunt sigura ca o s-o faceti acum. I've told you before, there are a lot of creative people out there, in the world. If you didn't believe me then, maybe it's time you do it now!

Am o problema!

Incep sa am o anumita inclinatie spre lucrurile....kitch. Cred ca inca sunt pe marginea prapastiei dar stiu prea bine unde ma indrept. Incep sa ma fascinzeze tot mai mult piesele eclectice (moda, mobile, orice) culori ciudate alaturate si printuri diverse in combinatii neprevazute. Ma aflu inca in zona de siguranta daca imi plac perechile astea de ochelari de soare????   I do have a problem. And it's called "I'm starting to fancy kitch things". I'm still on the edge but I feel like I'm going on this straight road. I'm feeling fascinated by eclectic pieces(fashion, furniture, architecture), mixing colours and prints that apparently don't match. (in my head, they do). Am I still on the safety zone by liking this pairs of sunglasses??? Sunt creati de Moo Piyasombatkul, prin adaugarea unor piese de portelan de inspiratie baroca unor perechi de ochelari vintage. Oh, cum iubesc eu alaturarile de vechi si nou!!!   Designed by Moo Piyasombatkul, ui...

Vera Wang

Va cautati rochie de mireasa?...Nici eu. Dar asta nu ma poate impiedica sa postez creatiile Verei Wang care de fapt nu sunt rochii de mireasa ci sunt opere de arta. Nu pot pune steluta uneia anume pentru ca toate imi plac la nebunie si sunt alese din toate colectiile ei, de pe site-ul personal. Are you in the search of a wedding gown? Niether am I. But this doesn't mean I can't appreciate Vera Wang's work, who creates not simple wedding dresses but works of art. I can't really choose a favorite between these, I picked them out from her entire collection of wedding dresses, from her website. And I'm in love with each and every one of them!
Cu ce seamana aceasta masa? Does the shape of this table reminds you of something?   Ati ghicit! Designul mesei e inspirat de forma si in special talpa rosie a unui pantof Loboutin. Masa este creata de Splinter Works si nu pot spune ca ma incanta in mod special, dar imi place punctul de plecare! Yes, it really is inspired by the shape and red sole of a Louboutin. It's created by Splinter Works and I can't really tell you I'm a big fan, since I'm not but I really like their source of inspiration .:D Source:

Sacosa Fermecata

Imi doresc o sacosa din asta pe care o putem numi si geanta, tare. Si cand zic tare, vreau sa spun foarte tare! Si mai tare decat foarte tare, imi doresc o sacosa din asta argintie. Mi s-a pus pata. Argintie. Si cand am zarit-o in Zara, chiar in perioada reducerilor, mi-am spus ca e prea bine sa fie adevarat(fusta plisata marimea S, voi ati vazut vreodata ceva marimea S in Zara?) si minunatia asta argintie! Chiar era prea bine sa fie adevarat. 399 lei. uhm...Cat??????  Poate traiesc eu intr-un univers paralel, dar aceasta este o SACOSA a dracului de scumpa! Daca nu vine impreuna cu pestisorul auriu care indeplineste 3 dorinte, nu vad de ce as da 399 lei pe ea. Sunt bucuroasa sa primesc ponturi de unde as putea achiztiona ceva asemanator la un pret de muritor de rand. Pe curand, R

Kate Moss Mireasa

Nu stiu daca cineva se asteapta din partea lui Kate sa dea gres cu alegerea rochii de mireasa, din moment ce ea e in fond una dintre cele mai bine imbracate persoane din lume. Dar alegerea facuta e...per-fec-ta!!!! Creatia e semnata John Galliano. Pe curand! R Aaaa si m-am decis sa nu accept (inca) provocarea 30 pentru 30 pentru ca sunt destul de inspirata perioada asta, e vara si nu cred ca m-as putea limita fara motiv la 30 de piese. cand o sa-mi pierd inspiratia o sa ma apuc. Nu ca mi-ar tine cineva evidenta dar.... aaaaaa 2, am intregit comunitatea fashionistelor, creata de, unde puteti gasi lookuri ale bloggeritelor romance. Destul de interesant!


What happens when two luxury brands decide to have an affair? A new baby Leica Hermes is born. It was actually, the edition was limited in 2009, when only 200 items were produced.(100 in each colour) Sad you missed the news? Don't worry, it  was priced at 14, 250 euro. But I love how the brands match and the collaboration seems flawless. Have a fantastic day! (and stop drooling over this Leica!) R