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Se afișează postări din decembrie, 2020

[CHRISTMAS] #13 H&M Home Inspiration #2

 EN: Because the H&M 2019 collection is too good not to be shared as a source of inspiration, here it iiiiiis. The bad news is you can't find the items in the store, but you can still get inspired and maybe search for similar items. RO: Am gasit pozele catalogului de anul trecut H&M Home si sunt pur si simplu prea faine ca sa nu le postez, desi vestea proasta e ca item-urile nu se gasesc in magazine, dar totusi cred ca se gasesc obiecte similare si in 2020. Source  of the phosots  from the HM Collection.

[CHRISTMAS] #10 Stay at home Outfit Ideas

 RO: Daca tot am pornit discutia outfiturilor din perioada de Craciun, cel mai firesc ar fi sa continui cu... tinutele nu de petrecere, anul acesta, ci acelea de stat pe acasa. Pentru mine cel putin, anul 2020 a fost caracterizat de tinute de stat prin casa, loc in care am petrecut cea mai mare parte a timpului. Dar in perioada asta, parca simt nevoia unei schimbari, vreau sa fie totul mai festiv, mai glam, mai viu. M-am gandit la cateva tinute in care pot lucra linistita de acasa, care sunt comode si pentru pregatirile de Craciun, impodobit bradul chiar si facut fursecuri. Am ales piese din esentialele selectate intr-o postare anterioara si care mi se par la indemana, cred ca se regasesc in majoritatea dulapurilor. : jeans clasic, pulovere calduroase, fuste satin , pantaloni cu talie inalta din stofa si balerini sau pantofi josi. 

[CHRISTMAS] #9 TOP New Yorker Illustrations

EN: I've always loved the fact that New Yorker has this concept of using art for the covers, it's basically the coolest thing ever. And since I'm a big fan of illustrations and paintings and also admire retro art, this was a good idea for a december post, I gathered some of the covers I like most from their archives.  I also mentioned all the artist, I think it's kind of sad that you can find the prints all over Pinterest and the artists are barely mentioned... 8. December Issue 1992, cover by Michael Witte. 7. December Issue 1951, cover by Garrett Price 6. December Issue 1984, cover art by Eugene Mihaesco. 5.  December Issue 1987, covert art by Jenni Oliver. 4.   December Issue 1998, covert art by Benoit van Innis. 3.  December Issue 1942, covert art by Garrett Price. 2.   December Issue 1949, covert art by Ilonka Karasz. 1.  December Issue 1935, covert art by Ilonka Karasz.

[CHRISTMAS] #8 Wardrobe essentials

RO: Uitandu-ma pe lista "to do de craciun" imi dau seama ca am bifat deja destul de multe lucruri si acum e momentul sa ma gandesc putin si la outfiturile lunii decembrie. Am facut un mic inventar de esentiale pentru mine, excluzand pantofi si accesorii, doar o lista de basics pe care le pot folosi in muuulte ocazii. EN: I checked a lot of things on my christmas to do list, and now it's time to think about outfits. I gathered some holiday essentials for me, without accesories or shoes, just some christmas basics that can go really well for multiple ocassions. RO: 1.  Rochia Rosie. Probabil ca nu o sa am parte de prea multe petreceri de Craciun dar o cina in familie tot va avea loc, as alege o rochie rosie simpla accesorizata cu balerini si muuulte bijuterii aurii. 2. Pulover crem. E nevoie de o piesa neutra cum e cremul pentru ca merge in multe combinatii. mi se pare perfect pentru orice ocazie: fie ca lucrezi de acasa si il porti alaturi de o pereche de pantaloni trico...

[CHRISTMAS] #7 Gift Ideas

RO: Cadourile de craciun si goana dupa ele poate fi o povara pentru unii dintre noi; pentru mine nu e chiar asa, pentru ca efectiv iubesc sa fac cumparaturi si abordez problema ca pe un soi de provocare: sa gasesc lucrurile de care prietenii si familia mea au nevoie dar poate inca nu stiu. :)) Dupa ce s-au cumparat toate cravatele si pijamale din lume pentru tati si decoratiunile si seturi cosmetice pentru mame, poate ca un mini gift guide pentru toate varstele si ambele sexe, poate fi de ajutor. EN: Buying gifts for the loved ones can be a little stressing for some people, I personally love this activity because I obviously love shopping and I take it as a challenge : to find things my friends and family need in their life but maybe don't know it yet :)). After buying all the ties and pyjamas  in the world for your dad, cosmetic sets and decorations for your mom and so on, maybe  a little gift guide with what I think are some fresh ideas, may help. RO: 1. Pentru mama | sora |...

[CHRISTMAS] #6 Movie List

RO: Pentru mine, toate agitatia asta cu pregatirile de Craciun si atmosfera de Craciun ar fi incompleta fara o serie de cateva filme care sunt practic "un must" de vazut in perioada asta, ca un el de traditie fara de care nu se poate trece la pasul urmator. Le-am compilat pe toate intr-o lista, probabil sunt si cele mai cunoscute de toata lumea, dar pentru mine sunt cele mai bune. EN: Preparing for Christmas and entering the holiday spirit will be totally incomplete without watching a small series of Christmas movies that are defintely "a must see", in my opinion. I made a list with my favorites, I think they are probably the most popular but I think they are the best for december. 

[CHRISTMAS] #5 Zara Home Inspiration

EN :  My relationship with Zara Clothing isn't going very well, I feel like we've taken separate ways for some time now but when it comes to Zara Home, well, that is quite the opposite.   Since 2020 has been kind of shitty and since Christmas is my second favorite holiday (I love my birthday) I decided to let myself go crazy this year and start enjoying Christmas as early as I feel like it.  I didn't listen to any Christmas songs yet but I started to search for inspiration, altough I have the theme in my mind for this Christimas and I bought some of the decorations last year.  Here are pictures that I loved from Zara home and that inspired me:  Sursa imagini : Zara home . 1 2 3 4 5  

[CHRISTMAS] #4 Quick and simple D.I.Y.

  RO: Pentru postarea de azi, am pus de un D.I.Y foarte simplu si de efect, care nu necesita unelte absolut deloc si care se realizeaza din lucruri simple si la indemana. E un aranjament care poate fi pus pe masuta de cafea, o masuta de colt din living, birou sau orice colt al casei care are nevoie de un strop de stralucire de craciun. Mi se pare ca e potrivit pentru orice stil de interior si se potriveste cam cu orice gama de decoratiuni de craciun. Eu am folosit vas cumparat de la Jumbo, conuri din Pepco(se gasesc cam peste tot), instalatie de lumini de la Jysk (se gasesc si la Pepco, Auchan, etc) si niste mini globulete sclipicioase aurii de la Pepco.  EN: This is a very simple and quick DIY that doesn't need any kind of special tools and things that are hard to find. It's basically something you find in probably all the stores that sell Christmas things,  in this time of the year.  I think it fits perfectly in any type of apartament or house, you can place it on ...

[CHRISTMAS] #3 TOP 5 Christmas Illustration

EN :  Getting into holiday spirit sometimes feels hard and forced, maybe you're stressed out, maybe you have a lot of work to do or some personal problems but something I find quite useful is searching for pretty themed illustrations. Guaranted they'll make smile and feel closer to Christmas. I selected 5 I absolutely love. Oh, I chose them based on my love for a retro touch, fairy tale - like scenes and the memory of childhood.  5. Source. 4. Source.

[CHRISTMAS] #2 H&M Home inspiration

  EN: As always, I absolutely love the vibe H&M presents this year for their 2020 collection. There is a mix between rustic and modern and the result is exatcly my style. I got really inspired from their collection last year and decided the theme for my 2020 Christmas and now I have a lot of the items in my shopping list. Enjoy the pictures! RO: Ca de obicei, imi place de mor vibe-ul pe care il prezinta Hm si anul acesta pentru colectia de Craciun. E un mix de rustic si modern iar rezultatul e exact pe gustul meu. Anul trecut, uitandu-ma la colectia lor de Craciun mi-a venit ideea temei de Craciun pentru anul asta iar acum mi-am pus deja pe lista cateva itemuri din magazinul lor. Enjoy the pictures. Source and source . 


 Christmas is almost my favorite holiday, I still put my birthday on the first place, so it's only natural I get really excited about the holiday cheer by the end of november. This year I decided I'm not gonna wait the first of December to start decorating and thinking about Christmas, after all it was a really weird year and I think I need to enjoy Christmas for a full month.  The plan is to post something Christmas related every day, some sort of vlogmas but in writing. or pictures. or something. So day 1 was obviously aout my december to do list: