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EN: I've started this blog back in 2010 which means 1. I am basically old and 2. I've been around when social medias was totally different and fashion blogs meant something; outfits were posted on Lookbook , The Sartorialist was the shit, streetstyle was a thing and there were actually REAL influencers. I am talking Chiara Ferragni, Alexa Chung, Anna dello Russo, Miroslava Duma, Garance Dore, Giovanna Battaglia and many more. 

From then untill now, I feel like there was created this trend with iconic shoes, apart from the classics obviously, there are some designs that became really popular and still are recognizable . I've made a selection, maybe I've missed some of them but it was a fun top for me to make. The order is somehow based on their popularity, from my point of view of course. Here we go!

RO: Pentru ca am bloguletul de ani buni, am prins si perioada in care lucrurile in social media se desfasurau un pic altfel. Outfiturile se postau pe LOOKBOOK, The Sartorialist era  the shit, streetstyleul era la mare putere si existau CU ADEVARAT influenceri. Ma refer aici la Chiara Ferragni, Alexa Chung, Anna dello Russo, Miroslva Duma, Garance Dore, Giovanna Battaglia si multe altele care din punctul meu de vedere  erau cu adevarat the IT Girls. 

De atunci si pana acum, mi se pare ca s-a conturat asa un trend cu incaltarile de designeri iconice, si nu doar prin prisma designului, ci si datorita popularitatii de care s-au bucurat. Am facut o selectie incluzand cei care mi s-au parut mie cu adevart iconici, dar se prea poate sa fi si scapat careva perechi. Ordinea e mai mult sau mai putin din punct de vedere al popularitatii, din punctul meu de vedere. 

Here we go:

10. Maison Martin Margiela. 
EN: Ok , I never liked this model but I've seen it in some combos that I actually liked. They aren't for everybody, that's a fact!
RO: Ok, mie nu mi-a placut niciodata modelul acesta dar l-am vazut in cateva combinatii in care chiar arata foarte cool. Nu e pentru oricine, clar.

9. Miu Miu. 
EN: I realllly loved this collection, the prints were everything, this one with the birds and the one with the cats and pink backround. I think it's one of the best collections ever, it had such a positive vibe.
RO: Ah, am fost atat de indragostita de colectia asta, era printul acesta celebru cu pasari si mai era cel pe fond roz cu pisici. Mi s-a parut una dintre cele mai reusite colectii ever. Imi place mult de tot atat printul cat si forma.

8. Dior. 
EN: This design will remain a classic in my opionion, I mean it's classic design with a contemporary twist, but they really work together. I feel like this will also be fashionable ten years from now.
RO: Cred ca modelul asta va ramane un clasic de acum inainte, de fapt modelul acesta de sling back e un clasic oricum dar twistul acela al baretei care mi se pare o interpretare asa actuala, era fix de ce  era nevoie, ca sa fie clasic dar si moderni in acelasi timp. P.S. Am facut o maaaaaare pasiune pt tocurile Kitten ceea ce nu am crezut ca se va intampla in viata asta. 

7. Jeffrey Capmbell. 
EN: Ah the Lita model if I remember correctly, they were absolutely everywhere , I honestly find them quite ugly. :))
RO: Modelul se numeste Lita din cate imi amintesc si era efectiv peste toooooot cand s-a lansat. Mie personal mi se par chiar urati :))

6. Balenciaga Cut out Boots.  
EN: The biggest fan of this particular model was Chiara Ferragni in my opinion, I remember her wearing them with every outfit. The truth is the model is actually a good one and I still find them contemporary altough they were made in 2011!!!
RO: Cel mai mare fan al modelului asta cred ca a fost Chiara Ferragni, parca mi-o amintesc purtandu-le in draci. Adevarul e ca e un model reusit si inca mi se pare actual, desi a fost lansat in 2011!!!

5. Gucci Fur Loafers.
EN:  I adore the gucci classic loafers and I absolutely dislike this particular model with fur. But their popularity is undeniable!
RO: Pe cat de mult ador modelul de loafers gucci, clasici, pe atat de tare urasc modelul asta cu blana. Dar au fost si sunt inca extrem de populari.

4. Isabel Marant Sneakers. 
EN: I feel like these sneakers created such madness, everyone wanted them. For me it was love at first sight , but I couldn't afford them at the time and I had to settle for a Bershka replica, which was actually quite nice, I wore them until they gave up. 
RO: Ok, cu modelul asta a fost chiar o maxima nebunie. Pentru mine a fost dragoste la prima vedere, mi-i doream efectiv cu ardoare. Normal ca nu mi-am permis studenta fiind, dar mi-am permis o replica destul de reusita la Bershka,pe care i-am purtat pana s-au rupt. 

3. Valentino Rock Studs. 
EN: I think that this model has by far the biggest number of knock offs from the list and I feel like I've seen it wayyyy toooo much.
RO: Deja nici nu stiu daca mai putem vorbi de un TOP, ultimele 4 pozitii cred ca sunt la fel de populare. Am vazut modelul valentino in atatea forme si culori, si mai ales atatia knock offs, cred ca e modelul cu cele mai multe replici din lista. Sau poate sa fie cel de pe pozitia 2?

2. Balenciaga Triple S. 
EN: Ok, I agree, this pair should have been on the first place but since it's my blog and my top, I got a little carried away, because I honestly love the model that I put on the first place. I loved the triple S when I saw them but then it became so popular, and I saw them on so many people that had nothing to do with their aestethic and style, and slowely but surely I started to dislike them..
RO: Da, sunt de acord, trebuiau sa fie pe locul 1, dar fiind topul meu am pus pe pozitia 1 un model care clar nu e atat de popular dar care imi place mult mult de tot. Cu modelul Balenciaga am patit o chestie ciudata, cand a aparut mi-a placut ca design, dar dupa ce l-am vazut purtat de atatea persoane carora nu li se potrivea deloc ca stil sau statura, efectiv a inceput sa imi displaca. 

1. Prada Monolith Boots. 
EN: I absolutely love them, the design, the proportions everything, I think it's the best shoe design from the last couple of years. There are also loafers available with the same design, I also love them , in fact I think I'll make a special post dedicated to them. ♥♥♥
RO: Adooooooor pur si simplu modelul asta, mi se pare cel mai reusit design de incaltamite din ultimii ani. Exista si modelul de pantofi disponibil, dar sunt atat de faini incat o sa le dedic un post special. ♥♥♥