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Se afișează postări din ianuarie, 2013

[For Him] Top 5 Style Details for Men

We all know and accept the fact that men's fashion is somehow limited. Shirts, Pants, Shoes, Coats. No matter what designers will try to launch, these are the basics that a regular man would wear. This is actually not a bad thing if you consider these awesome details that will spice things up! If you put this on your t-shirt, no one will ever think you don't give a fuck, if you put this on your socks.. Yeah, you probably don't give a fuck!

[Random] Chateau LouLou de la Fraise

Pun pariu ca te-a intrigat titlul. Pare rafinat si presimti ca o sa fie ceva deosebit si...ei bine, frumos. Nu. E doar numele animalului de companie al mult-prea-iubitei Iulia Albu. Care este o gaina. Animalul de companie este o gaina, hei! Adevarul e ca nu am avut niciodata o parere prea buna despre Iulia Albu, dar cand am auzit de aberatia asta majora, am ramas usor masca. Pana cand? Pana cand o mai incurajam sa faca prostii din astea si sa apara in ziare cu astfel de porcarii? Nu e evident ca strategia asta penibila e doar motiv de a atrage atentia? Eu nu stiu, pe ce lume traim?  Mi se pare atat de absurd totul incat nici nu am cuvinte sa comentez.

[TOP] 5 Trends that got out of control

Sunt trenduri care devin populare peste noapte si in cateva zile parca te-ai saturat deja de ele. Sunt trenduri de care te saturi inca dinainte sa inceapa. Sunt singura care a patit-o? Anul acesta am avut senzatia asta de multe ori, nu sunt obsedata sa am haine unicat dar unele lucruri parca au devenit deja uniforma. Asa ca uite trendurile de care m-am saturat: There are trends that become popular over night and by the end of the day they are already boring. This year I had the feeling I got tired of some trends before they even started. Am I the only one? I feel like no one is creative anymore, all we do is enter zara, buy anything we can find and we're good to go.  Here are the trends I liked and can't stand anymore: 5. Tinte / Studs and spikes Trendul care a scapat total de sub control. Nu mai poti mangaia o haina intr-un magazin fara sa te ranesti. Ma simt in pericol mai ales acum in perioada reducerilor cand unele femei ar fi in stare sa  te atace cu tintele de pe...

[New Finds] The Secret Life of SuperHeroes

Artist: Greg Guillemin. More HERE

[Personal] The faux-leather Shorts

When I wrote my fashion resolutions for 2013, I was feeling confident and on top of the situation. Well, that didn't last long since the sales started shortly after that, quicker than I expected, usually sales were on, starting with the end of January. I fought, I was brave, I was strong but in the end I sinned. I am a ferm believer I'm in war with Kharma. and she always win. I bought a pair of shorts. Faux Leather ones. It was love at first sight, the price was affordable and my size was waiting for me in the front line. I grabbed them and didn't look back. When I arrived home I realised they are totally out of my comfort zone and they don't actually fit in my wardrobe. But I decided to make this love story work.

[New Finds] Kevin Russ

These are times when it's so easy to call yourself a photographer. Did anyone else notice this? You have a camera, a DSLR one, and puf! your job on your profile is photographer slash blogger slash graphic designer. But when someone like Kevin Russ takes photos that take your breath away with an iPhone, you know that there still are real photographers out there. Like this one. And the irony behind all of this is that he doesn't even call himself a photographer, he is a full-time traveler and explorer. Source

[FOR HIM] Goth Ninja

I decided that in 2013 I will experiment more and try to say YES as often as I can. I wanted to include MEN in my blog and I even created a special category for them, but I didn't know where to start, what to write about. So when Superman offered to help with some topics, I said YES with excitement. So, dear men all over the world, here is my first-ever-serious-men-topic: GOTH NINJA. Truth to be told, I didn't know what a goth ninja is. But I felt that it is something cool and it was about time someone would appreciate a ninja outfit-dark and mysteriours. started with the basic google search and with the first click, I instantly thought of Rick Owens. Ok, Rick Owens is THE goth ninja! The Goth Ninja started somewhere in 2006, but the trend isn't related to a brand, designer or a celebrity. It somehow developped with the help of japanese street wear combined with high fashion designer items, in a natural, original way. Goth Ninja essentials are: black, mystery, overs...

[Random] Golden Globes 2013

I watched some galleries but I didn't find anything to fall in love with. Most of the dresses were nice but nobody made an appereance, my opinion! (MY) BEST DRESSED LIST  Anne Hathaway  Emily Blunt and John Krasinski My favorite was Naomi Watts, the line that compliments her body, the rich color that suits her perfectly!

[Personal] 2013 Project

On the first day of 2013, I decided to begin a project. I decided I should take a photo every day for the rest of the year. I thought this was the best way for me to stay creative everyday, to start paying attention to everything around me, to find joy in small details and to document my life so I could stop feeling I'm always wasting time. Honestly, I didn't think I will even make it through the first week, but I did! So I hope this will get better and better because until now, it has been really fun. I am also officially a member of the INDEPENDENT FASHION BLOGGERS community, my submission has been approved! Cheers to my little blog which is now officially a FASHION BLOG!

[New Finds] Mitch McGee

Truth to be told, I've always been a fan of Pop Art. I never cared about opinions like it's kitsch art, or it's an art for the masses. I don't actually bother being included in the masses, I don't care about being called "an original". But, we're not here to talk about social problems, we're here to see a perfect reinterpretation of Pop Art, which I thought it wasn't possible. Pop Art is so unique that if you want to update it, you have to copy it, there's nothing else you can do. Well, Mitch McGee found a way and I surely love the result!

[Random] Dream apartament

I am always dreaming about my...dream apartament. But the ideas change a lot, and I get confused, if I had to build and design it tomorrow, I will be in big trouble. But when I discovered this apartament, I realised it looks a lot like my dream apartament. A lot of white with pop of color here and there, with vintage items and classic designer ones and a pink flamingo . The apartament is located in Bordeaux, France and the owner is Elodie, a grahic designer, who designed the whole place herself with the help of her father.

[D.I.Y] Statement Necklace

 D.I.Y-ul acesta e probabil unul dintre cele mai simple pe care o sa le faci, ai doar nevoie de o gramada de rabdare! Dar eu promit ca merita, rezultatul e cu adevarat spectaculos! Sa-i dam drumul: This D.I.Y is probably going to be on of the easier you made but all you nedd is patience. Nothing is complicated, it just takes a little time and a lot of patience. I promise it's all worth it, the result is spectacular! Here we go:

[Random] let's talk about fashion

Are you familiar with this bag? Wait, did you think it's the back of a deer? Well it's a bag with the fur from the back of the deer. I love this look of Miranda Kerr, but I didn't like the bag. I find it somehow disturbing. And I stumbled upon it today on Pinterest where I found lots of comments using the words 'cruel', 'disgusting', 'poor baby deer', 'this is murder'. Is it? I realized I don't like it all, and I wouldn't buy it in a million years, but I bet all the people who used such big words, have at least one leather item at home. I was never the type of person who would throw red paint on furs on a runaway but I'm not a fan also. I am a ferm believer that we use leather to keep ourselves warm and we use fur for the same reasons. But why use fur for a bag? This seems to me like a total waste, and I guess this makes it disturbing for me. But I still imagine those deers died because they were old and Proenza Schouler jus...

[Inspiration] #1

[Personal] 2013 Fashion Resolutions

Among the classic resolutions "stop drinking, eating junk and smoking', 'go to the gym', 'read more', 'be nice to people', this year I got some new ones. Fashion related ones. 1. Be bold There were so many times when I dressed in a certain way and kindda liked it and just before leaving the house, ran back and changed the whole outfit. It was 'not my style', 'too fancy', 'too eclectic'. Excuses excuses excuses! 2. Try new styles Since I can remember I was the 'boho style' girl and somehow this isn't working for me anymore. I need some refinement in my wardrobe, I feel the need to try out new styles. Currently hooked on Minimalist and Eclectic styles. 3.Quality over Quantity Yeah, this will be a hard one! I have more than 6 items in my wardrobe that still have the price tag on and they're 6 months old. I bought so many things last year just because they were on sale and just because I needed somethin...

[Random] Welcome 2013!

Happy New Year! I hope you'll have a 2013 full of happiness, extraordinary things and magical experiences! Let's forget about stress and start enjoying life at its fullest! Let's be brave and try new things! Let's meet interesting people that can help us learn things! Let's forget about limits and barriors of any kind! WELCOME 2013! P.S   Incepand cu 01. ianuarie 2013, am inceput proiectul '365 de poze', o sa fac o poza in fiecare zi, timp de 365 de zile. Urati-mi succes si vizionati pozele aici: